Friday, June 15, 2007

“Trust After Trauma”

Subtitled “A Guide to Relationships for Survivors and Those Who Love Them.”

Now, I’m not in an intimate relationship right now. And, my intimate relationship experience probably would about fill a thimble. And, in the small town situation where I’m at right now, without consciously or unconsciously putting up rigid filters, I don’t expect to find “somebody.”

Nonetheless, I hold on to a good degree of hope for getting out of here sooner rather than later, and some degree of hope of finding “somebody” after that next move.

And, as part of that journey, this book offers hope and reflection.

That includes learning a lot more about how childhood-caused PTSD probably has its specific effects on me today, including but not limited to emotional blunting/numbing, anxiety attacks, dissociation, detachment, depression-like symptoms, “picking” at myself (short of full-blown cutting) and more.

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