Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Work-related ... and the dreams get weirder

I've been having more vivid, to much more vivid, and more remembered, dreams again the past couple of weeks. Only problem? They're generally not pleasant.

They're not nightmares, exactly, but they're all about work.

But, only in a general sense.

They're about working at my current job, but the actual day-to-day events have zip, zero,  bupkis to do with my normal work.

I don't know if part of it is summer heat (we're not scorching, but we're a few degrees above normal for this part of the world and I'm very sparing on AC use) or what. But, it's making sleep less restful, that's for sure. And, since I had an earlier, but less vivid and less work/but not work bout of this ... wondering why it's back, and back in worse condition.

Could it be the recent loss of our one staff writer?