Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A 10-point roadmap for breaking improvement down into small steps

After a job downsizing/job hunt/forced move to new job in January, combined with me getting back into more journaling, I knew I needed back into more counseling, too.

Well, even though he is “just” a grad school intern, my counselor has had some insights.

One of the best is the use of a 10-point scale to rank myself on big issues, such as male-female communication.

Rather than just a “where do I think I’m at right now” ranking (which would be a guesstimate, since I’m not in any intimate relationship) he has me, this week, applying it to specific woman friends and relationships. Specifically, we’re looking at my “timing literacy,” that is, how comfortable am I talking about sexual and other intimate issues, bringing them up myself, having a sense of timing for this, and so forth.

We talked a bit about this in session last week, before he gave me an assignment. I wanted to split the difference between, say, a 2 and a 3 on one particular past issue, and he said, that’s good. It is fine-tuning the system more.

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