Friday, January 7, 2011

Here’s a good NYT story about how past adversities (if not overdone) can boost resilience in some ways, as far as ability to reframe adversity and more.

That said, I'd appreciate some positive life changes not too far down the road, rather than treading water after adversity, at least job-loss adversity and relocation adversity.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome? to 2011

It's a new year, and I turned a year older by the calendar last week.

I'm hoping to continue to improve in acceptance of the outside world, self-acceptance, resilience, and what I can learn about myself, among other things, in the months ahead.

I am hoping to learn more about self-awareness of others' critiques of aspects of me, to distinguish critiques from criticisms and more.

I am hoping to "move forward" in other ways in life too.

I am hoping to improve job-hunting/networking skills if I don't "land" something new relatively soon.