Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Frustration is …

1. Out-of-state jobs e-mailing, “It doesn’t look like you live in our area.” No shit; I’m trying to get into your area by getting you to hire me.
2. Other out-of-state jobs e-mailing, “We are interviewing local candidates only.” Then why not put that on the webpage for the job in the first place?
3. Yet other out-of-state jobs saying on the phone, “You’ll need to pay to get here for a finalist interview.” Even if your webpage says “no relocation,” it doesn’t say that.

Frustation also is …

1. A computer whose RAM and processor are really better suited for one OS, and one program set, earlier than what it actually runs, and therefore spins its Mac OS X rainbow wheel in do-nothing mode on a regular basis.
2. A computer that half the time won’t print pages out of your desktop publishing program.
3. A network server that sometimes gets in the habit of dropping every 30-60 minutes, or whenever you try to save to the server, or something like that.

Frustration can lead to …
1. Holes in walls
2. And likely many other issues.

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