Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sometimes, a door closes, and that's it

There is no metaphorical window opening somewhere else.

There is now New Agey, activist and benevolent universe lending a helping hand.

Sometimes, a door closes, and that's it.

There are no New Agey "lessons" to be learned, either, about why that door closed.

The only "lesson" is a simple, psychological one: acceptance.

The door has closed, and is now sealed shut. I can't change it. Therefore I need to move on.

And, I need to stop expecting a window to magically open.

Instead, I must, as a normal human being, be looking for a new door, or whatever, that I can get to myself, to walk through it if it's open, or to figure out how to open it — if possible — if it's currently closed.

And, the sooner I accept that a door is closed is the sooner I can work on this.

Oh, it would be nice if a window magically opened.

It would also be nice if I won the lottery, if America has a 30-hour work week, and all sorts of other stuff.

But, that's not happening.


Personally, I am at the point of accepting a certain doorway is closing more now. And, if this doesn't inspire immediate change, getting closer and closer to the Social Security finish line will.

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